sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008


GzBot Help

VISTA users should right click on GznBot and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR

::Note:: Make sure it's set on the old interface or you will not be able to use the program properly ::

Extra Keys

CTRL + B : change bot
or for even faster bot switch:
RMouseclick+T: Turtle/Armor/Asate
RMouseclick+M: Mage
RMouseclick+I: Ice/Grub/JD
RMouseclick+N: Nak
RMouseclick+R: Raon
RMouseclick+F: Frog/Dragon
RMouseclick+O: Trico
RMouseclick+G: BigFoot
RMouseclick+A: Aduka
RMouseclick+K: Kal
RMouseclick+J: Lightning
RMouseclick+B: Boomer

CTRL+0 till 9 : set up of shooting angle: eg. angle 75 = CTRL + 7 + 5

SHIFT : SCAN for normal shot

CTRL+SHIFT : SCAN for Turtle's SS/Turtle's SkyBomb & Trico's Shot 2 (Spin 2 & Spin 3)

ALT+F1 : SCAN for Turtle's short Forks & Tricos Spin 1 >>

ALT+F2 : SCAN for Turtle's long Forks

CTRL+H : Boomer Hook 40 ON/OFF

CTRL+E : End
CTRL+M : Mirror ON/OFF

CTRL+L : LongShot ON/OFF

Left mouseclick + right mouseclick: Show the Powers for 0.5, 1, 1.5 & 2 screens

Regular Shot (Manual)

1. Hold CTRL and press B until your set on the right mobile.

2. Press Insert/Delete and Adjust The number to your current angle.

3. Press Home/End for the wind directed (put the white dot at the tip of the arrow).

4. Press Page Up/Down to Adjust the number to the current Wind speed.

5. Hold CTRL and left click on your aiming arrow.

6. Hold CTRL and right click in the middle of your enemy.

7. Use The Power Indicated On Power Bar

OPTIONAL: Instead step 5 -7 U can drag the PowerLine on the PowerBar while CTRL is pressed

Regular Shot (Auto Angle)

1. Hold CTRL and press B until your set on the right mobile.

2. Press Home/End for the wind directed (put the white dot at the tip of the arrow).

3. Press Page Up/Down to Adjust the number to the current Wind speed.

5. Hold CTRL and left click on your aiming arrow.

6. Press F11 with your mouse on the center of the enemy.

7. Adjust your angle to the angle specified on powerbar.

8. Shoot up to white mark on powerbar.

Tornado Shot (Manual)

1. Hold CTRL and press B until your set on the right mobile.

2. Press Insert/Delete and Adjust The number to your current angle.

3. Press Home/End for the wind directed (put the white dot at the tip of the arrow).

4. Press Page Up/Down to Adjust the number to the current Wind speed.

5. Hold CTRL and left click on your aiming arrow.

7. Hold CTRL and press N with your mouse in the middle of the tornado.

8. Hold CTRL and right click in the middle of your enemy.

9. Use The Power Indicated On Power Bar

Tornado Shot (Auto Angle)

1. Hold CTRL and press B until your set on the right mobile.

2. Press Home/End for the wind directed (put the white dot at the tip of the arrow).

3. Press Page Up/Down to Adjust the number to the current Wind speed.

5. Hold CTRL and left click on your aiming arrow.

6. Hold CTRL and press N with your mouse in the middle of the tornado.

7. Press F11 with your mouse on the center of the enemy.

8. Adjust your angle to the angle specified on powerbar.

9. Shoot up to white mark on powerbar.

Long Shot (Manual) (Current Method)

1. Hold CTRL and press B until your set on the right mobile.

2. Press Insert/Delete and Adjust The number to your current angle.

3. Press Home/End for the wind directed (put the white dot at the tip of the arrow).

4. Press Page Up/Down to Adjust the number to the current Wind speed.

5. Hold CTRL and left click on your aiming arrow.

6. Press CTRL+L on the far part of the screen near the bot your trying to hit

7. Hold CTRL and right click in the middle of your enemy.

8. Use The Power Indicated On Power Bar

Long Shot (Auto Angle) (Current Method)

1. Hold CTRL and press B until your set on the right mobile.

2. Press Home/End for the wind directed (put the white dot at the tip of the arrow).

3. Press Page Up/Down to Adjust the number to the current Wind speed.

4. Hold CTRL and left click on your aiming arrow.

5. Press CTRL+L on the far part of the screen near the bot your trying to hit

6. Press F11 with your mouse on the center of the enemy.

7. Adjust your angle to the angle specified on powerbar.

8. Shoot up to white mark on powerbar.

2007 - Credits to twf4e & Satalite

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