domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008

ESI Ollydbg Check by Wiccaan

Well, Ksbunker brought this one up to my attention over on GameDeception, so I researched it a bit and yea, Ollydbg by default sets ESI to -1 (FFFFFFFF) when it loads at the entry point. With that you can implement a simple check to detect Olly that way, for example:

#pragma comment( linker, "/ENTRY:main" )

char *szString = "Olly Found!";

int main()
cmp esi, -1
je OllyFound
jmp NotFound
push 0
push szString
push szString
push 0
call dword ptr [MessageBoxA]
// Just return after..
return 0;

Other then being easily patched, you can also setup a plugin method to bypass this with Olly itself. I coded a plugin, for learning experiences on how to code Olly plugins just now to accomplish this. Although I highly doubt this is the best method possible of doing this, here ya go:

#include "plugin.h"

HINSTANCE m_hInstance;
HINSTANCE m_hDllInstance;
HWND m_hWnd;
BOOL bInitializePause;

// Main Entry Point
BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved )
if( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
m_hInstance = hInstance;
return 1;

// Plugin Name / Data
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugindata(char shortname[32])


// Initialization
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion,HWND hw,ulong *features)
if( ollydbgversion < PLUGIN_VERSION )
return -1;

m_hWnd = hw;

Addtolist( 0,0,"EsiCheck Plugin v1.0" );
Addtolist( 0,1,"Coded by: Wiccaan" );
return 0;

// Menu Setup
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginmenu(int origin,char data[4096],void *item)
switch( origin )
case PM_MAIN:
strcpy( data, "0 &About" );
return 1;
return 0;

// Main Plugin Callback
extc void _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginaction(int origin,int action,void *item)
if( origin == PM_MAIN )
switch( action )
case 0:
MessageBox( m_hWnd, "Ollydbg EsiCheck v1.0\nCoded by: Wiccaan", "EsiCheck", MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION );


// Close Plugin
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginclose(void)
return 0;

// Plugin Reset Reset Initialize Pause Flag
extc void _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginreset(void)
bInitializePause = false;

// Olly Pause If First Pause Reset ESI
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Paused(int reason,t_reg *reg)
if( !bInitializePause )
reg->r[ 6 ] = 0;
bInitializePause = true;
return 0;

What this does is when Olly pauses, it checks if the initialize boolean 'bInitializePause' has been set yet. If not, then this is the first time Olly is paused, and usually means the OEP break that Olly does by default. With that, it will reset the register ESI to 0 and then set the boolean to true meaning we have called this once already and do not need it anymore.

When the program is reloaded through Olly, the plugin will be called to reset the flag and do it again.

Enjoy. :)

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